Monday, June 2, 2008

Ensign Peak-1953

Here is Stan the Man.
While on my mission, the Scout Executive from the Salt Lake office came through Independence and he offered me a job when I finished my mission. I came home in December, 1951 and moved to Salt Lake and began my job about January 3, 1952. I lived at the Beehive House for a month. A friend from the mission field asked if I would be interested in moving to the apartment where she had been living as she was getting married. I moved to the West 12th Ward with Shirley J. and Phyllis R. in the Waldorf Apartments. About my first Sunday was Stake Conference held in the Assembly Hall on Temple Square. I recall Phyllis pointing out Stan saying he lived in our ward. He was sitting with someone so I thought perhaps that was his wife or girl friend. I found out later it was his sister-in-law Marcy. Her husband Craig was in the Bishopric of his ward and in the days of tabernacles they had the Bishoprics sit on the stand during Stake Conferences. As the church has grown, today's Stake Centers cannot accommodate the Bishoprics on the stand.

Happily I learned that Stan was single and had recently returned home from a mission to Argentina and was now a student at the U. of U.

Stan and I began dating in October, 1952. He had a 22 shotgun or rifle (?) and one day we hiked up to Ensign Peak and did some shooting. Stan made me laugh a lot.

It really was quite a hike as I recall but we had a such a fun day and these photos bring back wonderful memories.
Dorothy with the gun at the Ensign Peak monument marking the place where Brigham Young and others came soon after arriving in the Salt Lake valley and waving a banner in honor of their arrival.
I don't know if I am trying to forstall any more photos being taken or what.

I am probably saying "Don't take my picture"!!! Please note that in THOSE days, this is how girls wore Levis ---with the pant legs rolled up.

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