Monday, June 23, 2008

Steppin' Out in Panama

The Colonel in his white Mess Dress in our home in Panama. We were guests of the Peruvian govt. at a function honoring the anniversary of the Peruvian Air Force in a hotel in Panama City.
The ambassadors for the different South American countries were also in attendance. When we met the Ambassador from Argentina, Stan explained he had lived in Argentina for three years doing missionary work for his church. The Ambassador said there had been a basketball team of missionaries. Stan explained that he had played on that team whereupon the Ambassador, a much shorter man than Stan, threw his arms around Stan's waist and exclaimed "Los Mormones!" The Ambassador then introduced his wife and explained that he had been a time keeper at those games when he and his wife were dating. The Chilean Air Force Colonel then entered the conversation and said that a BYU basketball team had come to South America and they had hosted a couple of the players at his home!!!

Below is the Colonel and his Lady!

When we lived on Guam I would go to the beauty shop and have my hair done and have it straightened! I learned my lesson on Panama. Kept my hair short and let the curl take over.

Scott and his Dad

Scott and his Mom

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