Saturday, May 17, 2008

Stan in New Mexico with his family

This photo was taken in 1951 when Stan was returning home from Argentina. It is probably in Gallup, New Mexico. From left to right is his father Ernest, his mother Odetta , his brother Craig, his sister Jeane Bramwell and Stan. Ernest, Odetta, Craig and Craig's wife Marcy and her mother Aunt Maud, and their baby Patty drove to El Paso, Texas then drove up to New Mexico where they saw Jeane who was serving a mission in the Indian Mission in New Mexico. Craig served his mission in Argentina and then Stan got his call also to Argentina and Craig was his first Senior Companion. Craig then came home and Jeane got her call to the Indian Mission. Craig and Stan's missions were for two and a half years at that time when there was no Missionary Training Center. I don't have the dates but I think that Ernest and Odetta had a missionary in the mission field for six and a half years more or less. Stan came home up thru the interior of South America via train then by boat across Lake Tittitaca then visiting Machu Picchu and Cusco in Peru, and then flying to Houston and from there he took a greyhound bus to El Paso where miraculously (to me) he met up with his parents and Craig and Marcy and he claims he only had a nickle in his pocket by that time.

1 comment:

Shaun at Oak Den said...

I love the stories. You're adding some details that I didn't know or had forgotten. Thanks for doing this!