Saturday, May 17, 2008

Mother's Day 1956

This photo was taken at the home of Stan's sister and her husband Jeane and Lionel in Salt Lake. We were in the Air Force stationed at Harlingen Air Force Base and Kathy was 15 mos. old and Shauna was just a few weeks old. It was one of the dumbest things I let myself be talked into. A single LDS fellow was driving from Harlington to Salt Lake to see his girl friend on his way to somewhere else for a six week schooling and I was eager to go home and show off our little girls. We left Utah when Kathy was just 6 weeks old. Another LDS girl had gone on such a trip and said it would be good. Stan thought it would be good and I wanted to go but didn't want to go. We left about 6pm and we were about 20 miles down the road and I was wishing I hadn't said I would go---but we went and drove straight thru to Utah. This fellow had a Chrystler, air conditioned so it was very nice....but a hard difficult trip. I had to manage the two children plus take my turn driving. This fellow was eager to get to Salt Lake but when we were coming back, he wasn't eager to return to Texas, but I WAS and when I drove thru west Texas--no traffic--good roads, I was driving FAST. Anyway, this photo shows Marjorie, daughter of Craig,
then my new baby Shauna, then Patty, daughter of Craig. At the bottom left is Colleen, daughter of Jeane and my Kathy. It is interesting that Craig, Jeane and Stan each had two girls as the beginnings of their families.

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