Saturday, May 17, 2008

-Pickwell Drive

Stan had a photo taken when he was a child with he and Craig and Jeane on a pony. I always loved that photo. It used to be common for a photographer to come around and take photos of the children on the pony. I was thrilled when a photographer with a pony came to our door in San Antonio. As you can see, Scott was pretty petrified of the whole experience. It appears that Kathy loved being on the pony and Shauna is reaching out to reassure Scott while Chris is his eager happy self. Scott was born when we lived on Dublin Drive. We lived on Dublin Drive just fourteen months when our friend Doug made us a deal we couldn't refuse and we moved into the new home on Pickwell Drive. Scott would have been about a year and a half and Kathy 7, Shauna 5, Chris 3. This photo was in the back yard and I see the geraniums I planted along the house. We lived in San Antonio for just three and a half years; but we bought two new houses (our friend who was a contractor and also the Bishop and later in the Stake Presidency), and we had two sons born to us. Kathy, Shauna and Chris all attended Dan-Ann-Jim Nursery school and Kathy began lst grade at Hartley School and Stan served as a counselor in the bishopric and on the Stake High Council and I served as Relief Society counselor, Spiritual Living Teacher and Relief Soc. Pres. Stan was an Academic Instructor at Officer Candidate School at Lackland. We also went TDY to Montgomery, Alabama to Maxwell AFB twice where Stan attended Academic Instructor School and later Squadron Officer School so a lot transpired in our lives in those few years.

1 comment:

PSGirl said...

Mom, notice I'm wearing an old watch of yours? I don't recall the make, but it's from the 40's and has the black end-ring cord style band.