Saturday, May 10, 2008

Rol and Abbie's family

This is a photo of my mother Abigail. She went by the name of Abbie. I have no idea as I am typing this what year this was taken so I don't know what her age was. If it was when she was Mother of the Year in 1949 then she would have been 66 but it may have been when she was in her 70's. Her hair didn't go grey until she was close to 80 so you can't judge by her dark hair.
Abbie taught school after getting her "Normal Certificate". She taught in Plymouth, Utah and Brigham City. With her earnings, she had electricity put in to the home of her parents. Then she also went by train in 1903--whenever it was--to the St. Louis World's Fair and to meet her relatives from her Grandfather Burbank's side of the family who were not LDS.
She kept a journal of her trip and also of her courtship and marriage and the birth of their first child.
She wrote poetry, stories and songs and her children enjoyed her stories she told. One favorite of mine is the Tar Baby.

Shauna likes this photo. It is difficult to see my mother who probably has the garden hose in her hand watering her flowers. The house in the background is our neighbor's the Freemans. There was a driveway beside our house and between the driveway and the neighbor's fence were flowers. It just occured to me that mother never wore slacks or pants but always a dress so even when she was doing yard word with her flowers, she had a dress on. However, she also wore what we called "house dresses" with an apron if she was doing big dirty jobs so I suspect she was either just watering or maybe even picking flowers because there is no apron or house dress here. And again, I have no idea what year this would have been. Our home was at 136 North lst East in Brigham. There have been many changes to it so it doesn't even look like the home I grew up in.

This picture was taken in 1944 I believe---because I have on a jacket that I think was part of a suit I had when I graduated from Seminary that year. My two brothers Clyde and Fred , on the back row were away in the military so my brother Carl who was the creative one, cut out their photos and put them in this family photo.
Back row: Clyde, Grace, Amy, Lola,
Middle Row: Carl, Mildred, Wayne, Laura,
Delbert and Afton.
Front Row: Dorothy, Roland my father, Abigail my mother, and Milton. Milton was home on leave after getting his pilot wings from the Army Air Corp before being sent to Europe. Clyde was in the Navy in the Pacific and Fred was in the Army in the Phillipines.


Shaun at Oak Den said...

Okay, Mom, ignore the e-mail I just sent you about not being able to find this. I have! Now, why haven't you written anything yet?!

Shaun at Oak Den said...

PS, I LOVE seeing this picture of Grandma on the internet like this! What do you think she'd think of all this??

Shaun at Oak Den said...

Hooray! You did it, Mom. this is perfect, just the kind of thing we want to read. Thanks!